Thursday, March 12, 2009

RTI in street play

After the module we prepare  one street play to go in to the community. There are three team consiste seven members. we are performed in six deferent placess in Hubli rural and urbun. That is very good experecne in the community. Their are many querry from the people and we are able to ansewr the all querry.

Right to Information act 2005

Right to Information Act is a good tool for common people to get information from public authorities. This act come in to force in the year 2005 June 15. As for the act every department should update all the information regarding their department within 120 days after the implementation of this act. This Act consists of 31 sections with respective explanations of every section.  

This act is 22nd act of the year so it also denoted as 22 of 2005. This acts motive is to bring transference and accountability in public authorities. Under this people can get any type of information like document, records, note, memo, orders, and other information available in electronic information. We can collect the information from public authorities like department made by constitution, Legislatives, state legislatives, person nominated by the government and partially or fully founded by Govt to NGOs. 

Suo-Motu [4(1)(b)]:

 This is a lateen word, it menace self declaration. This gives total information regarding the department it consists the 17 points regarding their organization. Information like nuber of staff, designation and salary paid, number of ongoing and completed programmer, movable and immovable assets of the organization etc. This all information publish within one hundred and twenty days(120) from the enactment of this Act:

Under Suo-moto we can get all information totally free of cost, if any one ask the fee clearly mention to then this. The information should be provide with the 30 days of complaint filed.


RTI Section 6(1): This applicable when the person need specific information in program or information from any department. For this we want to pay Rs 10 postal order with the application. After the application they should provide the information within 30 days. For the both application there is no particular form, we can write the application in wait paper and give to concerned authority. Otherwise we can file complaint to State Information Commission or Central Information Commission.

Refusal of RTI: In case of defense information, if threats to integrate of the nation, Ongoing investigation reports, in this cases they can refuse to give information to applicant(section-18(1)). Apart from this act will applicable in any sarcoma tansies.

We can say RTI  is the 7th fundament right for the people in the country. Because it gives right to access the information regarding all our fundamental rights. And this made possible to act according to the constitution.